About Me

Who’s Xyner, anyway?

Hi people!! Thank you for visiting my website! My name is Xyner. Weird name, huh? I made this based on my “real name,” 徐玥宁! As in pinyin, it is written as Xu Yue Ning. Thus, I picked the initial “XYN” and added an “er” at the end. Voila! Xyner it is!

Besides, there’s a character, “Xyler,” in my favorite cartoon Gravity Falls, who is super funny and cool. I would like to have a name like that!

More about me

Being an ENFP-A and an Enneagram type 7, I am optimistic about life, love exploring new things, and question life’s meaning a lot. I sometimes quickly develop new interests without digging deeper into one specific field. However, this trait certainly helped me to be versatile.

I love my family and friends! I love my grandpa, grandma, mom, and dad. Without them, I would never have ever grown to be this confident. My twin sis Kening has been my biggest fan since birth, and my friend ATan, Lisa, Suri, and Michelle have always been my support. I dedicate this page to them.